Tuesday, 2 March 2010


Two thousand and ten has introduced me to many things so far..and one of them is introducing me in to..the world of lettuce! Until a few weeks ago..whenever I thought of lettuce I only thought..iceburg lettuce..but then slowly..very slowly..I came to a realisation that I've eaten lettuce which when thinking about it..was not iceburg lettuce..eg. when eating Caesar salads.. What really got me into this crazy realisation tho..was when I was buying the bags of mixed leaves..mixed LETTUCE leaves..to have as part of my lunches..I was thinking..this is not iceburg lettuce..it can't be lettuce..but the bag clearly says lettuce..which made me think..omg what form does lettuce come in??..and I started doubting myself..I had no idea what lettuce looked like anymore and it all got a bit scary as..well..one should know these things..I mean IT'S lettuce..how could you not know about lettuce..? So..after this huge realisation which took me about two or three days..I decided..I'm going to go buy some actual lettuce..not these bags of leaves..which I also realised is actually a rip off considering buying the whole real thing is ALOT cheaper and lasts the week instead of just one or two portions....and so to cut a long story short..I was quite amazed to find...there are millions..! (okay so maybe not quite millions..that was a bit of an exaggeration..) of types of lettuce. It was actually quite fascinating to see..and also..it explained a lot. So now I'm currently in the process of trying my third type of lettuce..first one..great..second one..omg..NO way again! and third..my faith in lettuce has been restored. Names..I will get to you later when I go on the internet properly..but for now I'd just thought I'd write about my discovery on the matter of lettuce.  

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