Thursday, 25 March 2010


I think it was near the end of last year..or maybe it was around the start of this year..I finally started reading Catch-22 by Joseph Heller. It was something I had been meaning to do for ages. 
It was quite a hard book to grasp at the I don't think I have ever read a book written in this way before. It was only until around page 32 that it suddenly all just clicked and I finally understood how to read it. From then on the book just suddenly became hilarious to read and I did not want to put it down. My only dilema then was whether or not I should go back and start again to get the bits I'd failed to get from the beginning but I was just too eager to read more. Sadly for some strange reason..I guess I just became busy and everything all started getting a bit hectic..I no longer had the time to read it despite really wanting to. Thankfully I now have the time and I have started reading it again and I have started from the beginning! This time I'm able to understand and get my head round it right away and am getting the bits I missed.
The bits I've been enjoying so far are actually I think mostly to do with Doc Daneeka. The first part that really amused me about him was when he first tells us of Catch-22. Then there's the part about how he had declared himself unfit for war..HILARIOUS..and then the part I've just finished reading about the newlyweds..which I still don't understand the reasoning behind why he gets punched in the nose! Ahh..I'm wondering if somehow this will be explained later on in the book but I'm not so sure it will be. I've got a lot of this book left to read as I'm still very near the start but I'm sure I'll probably write more about it soon. Ahh I can't wait to get back to reading it but I need to go cook myself some dinner first and use the egg that I broke earlier thinking it was a boiled egg. Was not impressed as it made a bit of a mess..but I managed to save most of it. Go me! :)      

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