Thursday, 25 August 2011

Miracle Day

So who's watching Torchwood this year? It's SERIOUSLY intense. The end of episode five has left me with a very uneasy, and unable to comprehend state of mind. I don't think I've watched anything with a storyline quite like this.
This season, Torchwood explores death being eliminated from the equation of life, amongst the human race. Can you imagine if that actually happened? People just stop dying. The ones who should have died..they don't. They carry on living, despite their injuries and illnesses (including decapitation). Meanwhile on the other end of the scale...millions of babies are still being born into the world everyday. The population multiplies at an alarming rate. Even abortion is no longer possible. What are the consequences? What does this lead on to? Well..I suggest watching Torchwood just to get to grips with what I'm trying to explain. It's a fascinating storyline which makes you think.

Spoiler Alert:
I'm struggling to get my head round the end of episode five. After watching the story unfold you understand that death is impossible. However they can still suffer the pain depending on the injury. Given the amount of deathly accidents/illnesses that occur each is running out in all the hospitals. New laws are being passed to reclassify the patients. A patient classified as category one is the new 'dead'. One of the criteria being that the patient is unconscious. Patients are being transported to camps and segregated. The 'dark secret' behind these camps is that the plan for the category ones is to incinerate them. 
What happens at the end of episode five is one of the characters, who was completely alive (obviously) and healthy gets shot. To cover it up she ends up being placed in one of the incinerators. She regains consciousness as the incinerator gets turned on. As death is impossible..this means she is burnt alive and (I'm guessing) reduced to ash..yet she cannot be dead. Death is impossible. 
So this must mean she carries on existing as particles of ash?? Is that what is happening? She will continue living..but as bits of ash? I find it hard to comprehend and have literally just come to the conclusion that she wouldn't be in pain in her new state, as this state would not involve she is not being constantly burnt... ?? I am confused. Would she be in pain? Would she not be in pain? She WOULD have to be alive right? Death is not in the equation.. Yet her body and functions are all just ash... So she must then be unconscious? But then the form of ash is...... Does that mean she IS dead? But then death is not possible. Is that a loop hole?

I thought the ear muffs on the baby was a nice touch.

1 comment:

  1. Well if she is not in pain I sure am after trying to get my head around it! :)
