Saturday, 30 July 2011

I Need Some M.O.T.I.V.A......

I joined the gym in March this year. It's been four months and after two it became a struggle. The first two months were good. There was an incentive:

Visit the gym 20 times in eight weeks and get the (extortionate) administration charge back. 

The good thing was it also included x3 personal trainer sessions. So yeah.. That was good enough motivation as that money could be spent on much more important things...... ;) I completed the 20 sessions (just) and then rewarded myself with a week off from the gym. This may have turned into being a few weeks off as I only went once in June. July has been slightly better..more like once a week..and occasionally twice. My reason: I need to wash my hair so I'll make it really worthwhile and get all sweaty beforehand. It's an excuse and it works....half the time. 
To sum up. I have decided I need to find a better reason for going to the gym other than..I need to wash my hair.


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