Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Along came Barry

So today has been a much happier work day..the first one in what feels like ages..though started off slightly badly.. It had been building up from yesterday..the realisation about the way certain ppl work and their attitudes not being what you first thought they were..came to a bit of a crunch when I finally just couldn't hold it in anymore and just told them to stop creating extra work for themselves if they are already saying they have so much to do..and are then wasting time doing things that are un-necessary!! After that I went and found Arli and had a little rant about it and felt alot better :) 
Anyway..enough of that and back to my day at work..
So it up picked up after I finished lunch..where I then went and did miki's staff purchase for her and decided I would avoid going back to the office to do my work and stayed to help out on tills for a bit :) Oh how I miss being on the floor with everyone around and being on tills. If I could spend all day on tills I think I probably would. After about twenty minutes I forced myself off the floor as I did have a lot to do and felt alot happier..odd I know..but I enjoy it! Well as long as the customers are friendly :) The rest of the day seemed to go quite fast from that point onwards..and freaky thing happened where I was literally just thinking ahh I'm gona need to get a signature from the bean when he's next in on the weekend and literally less than a second later (no lies!) he walked in. Genius. He helped make the last hour go quickly too and then FINALLY! (although it was just two minutes before I finished work..) Barry! turned up..who I had been calling and waiting to turn up for weeks (a month to be precise) and so I took him to see the dead pigeon that's been in the electric cupboard for a month now..along with the dead mouse (which he confirmed is actually a baby rat) that has been there for well over a year. Surprisingly the pigeon..according to Barry..still looked quite fresh..which leads onto my theory about the electric cupboard having some sort of deadly gas or time stopping vacuum in there..always hate going in there..I try and avoid it as much as I can and not that long ago actually got myself trapped in it after something heavy fell across the door outside and I couldn't actually get out until some one eventually heard me banging on the door and shouting for help. Did not help that the noisy as ever heater was on therefore drowning out the sounds of my voice. I could've been trapped in there for ever! (yes slight over exageration on length of stay going on there..but I thought I should create a bit of drama about that..was bloody scary tho..was just about ready to start really panicking and getting hysterical). Anyway..back to Barry..he said he'll send some guys round to clear up and sterilise he electric cupboard as there is shit (excuse my choice of word)'d think the room had been painted green..and they'll be coming tomorrow. Yay! I also may have mentioned to him about the cockroach I came across last Thursday in the ladies loo.. NOT a middle aged (as in not baby..not full grown adult sized one) that I thought it being used to the masssive ones you get in it was in fact a full grown adult one where the females can lay 32 eggs at a time.. Apparently there is quite the cockroach problem in the area due to some bad drains which they come up from..but Barry assured me the restaurants were clear and safe to eat at.
Okay..I really must go as I've spent my whole tube journey writing this and walked all the way home without looking and am about to be stood outside my door..
Hope I didn't stand in any dog crap.. 

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Spoilt Rotten

Omg..just watching the opening to panorama on bbc one tonight is shocking. WHAT THE HELL. It is shocking that ppl let this happen to their own children in the first place.

The poor kid had to have eight (or was it nine?) molars removed because she consumes a large bottle of ketchup a day and lots of sweets.

Ha..if you smoke..indoors or cannot go near your kid for a good few hours after and need to shower and change your clothes it can effect your child's hearing. I like that bit of info..I did not know that at all. I can use that in my campaign to stop my friends smoking.
One guy refuses to stop smoking as he doesn't believe it..despite his son's hearing problems. He smokes in the house.

A five year old is so over weight he struggles with walking home and his mother has to bring a wheelchair to get him the rest of the way home..he's FIVE years old..and weighs the same amount as a seventeen year old boy. The mother blames it on genetics.. Not his over eating (albeit healthy).. Or his lack of physical activity.

A three year old who's teeth has rotten has to have his baby teeth least his mum feels bad about it and is going to do something about it now..although she's just been for a cigarette..

It is tough bringing up a child..but I think a parent's attitude and behaviour does make a big difference. You need to have some level of discipline as its not just about the's about their future too. I think you need to be aware of the consequences of your actions. I just hope I don't make the same mistakes.

Sunday, 11 April 2010

Out with the with the new.

So the weekend so far has involved a lot of file transferring and deleting of old files. Still got a lot to go through..but I'm getting there. Hoping by end of today it should all be done. Its crazy how much stuff you forget until seeing files and photos reminds you. Some stuff I would rather seeing a certain photo and remembering why I don't like being 'pushed'. Though I guess you wouldn't need a reminder to remember you don't like that..but it's funny how your mind can block certain things out. What is that? Self preservation? I think it's something like that. I'll look it up after this..but anyway! There are a lot of nice memories too. I take a lot of I have quite the collection of funny photos of my friends..some which they may now find embarrassing :) but I won't be cruel and post them up..unless I already have..which does remind me that someone has a very priceless photo of another certain someone that I still need to obtain for my own viewing pleasure :)
So to sum up my is a lot of out with the old which can only be a good thing.
A year ago is when things all started to change..and I couldn't be happier.

Friday, 9 April 2010

So my hair may go orange?

I thought this week would never end. Monday feels like a month ago and Tuesday had already felt like Thursday. I did manage to achieve a few things that made my week worth it like getting my iMac on the monday :) Am very happy..especially as I am now starting to get the hang of it again and I have the whole weekend which I intend to take easy to play around with it. Need to do a lot of file transferring and the most important files will be my photos. Can't wait to get them on here.
So to sum up my week..Monday I went to brent x and got my iMac with the help of some of my friends..and then went to nandos and then home to set it all up. Tuesday..the best bit about it was my dinner..lamb fajitas..which oh my..tasted amazing. Took some to work for lunch the next day. Wednesday..after work I went out with some friends for dinner and milkshake in a very american style restaurant. The food came in baskets which made me feel like I should be at some kind of american football game..and I guess getting a hot dog added to the effect. Thursday..after work we tried to go for milkshake but for some reason it just wasn't meant to be as the first place was unable to make them..and the second was closed so we ended up wandering around in the sun which was still quite nice. Thursday was also the first time I actually got to play around with my iMac properly and I started designing my name as a symbol which is my first little design project that I have set myself to do properly and have fun with..and tonight..well I need some rest so that I can be sure I'll be more productive over the weekend.
It's been a long week..but seeing my friends helped me get through it.

Oh and in regards to the title..the deep red colour my hair was dyed to I think is starting to fade and my hair may be getting a tiny bit lighter..don't think it will actually go orange though. It's still too dark for that..well I hope so anyway.

Sunday, 4 April 2010

Happy Easter

I couldn't find the lil chick thing I have to take a photo of it and use to create an instead I found an old bunny drawing and put this together really quickly..

Friday, 2 April 2010

A Failure to Distinguish

Hurt & Anger. Why do so many ppl think it means the same thing??
Support & Love. The two don't always come hand in hand. 
Friends & REAL friends. The ones who know you pretty much as well as you know yourself and can accept you for who you are and don't try to change you..well unless it is for the best. They'll stand by you through everything.

I'm not sure how to say what I want here. There's so much that I don't even know where to begin. I think that at the end of the day..your real friends know who you are and can accept you for whatever you do and with an understanding behind why you do things. It's so easy for ppl to presume that just because you're upset it means you're angry also..but it's hardly ever the case. Anger if it does..will come from how you are responded to. (This probably won't make sense as I have various senarios in my head and am mixing the stories together..but let's carry on and see how this turns out.) Ppl can be very defensive about themselves..which means they can get so caught up in it that they then miss what the real situation is. The real thing they need to realise is..why would this person be 'attacking' me and the answer is..they wouldn't. Therefore what is the real situation? This person is upset..confused. They need reassurance..they need to understand..some advice..or they just need some comfort. It's not about's about them. If that isn't realised..then that is how the argument starts. The person comes to you upset/ think they're upset with think it's your think they're blaming/accusing get get retaliate it back on them..they get more upset..and then they themselves could end up becoming defensive..they're not being understood..they're now being accused of things..and it becomes a whole big massive cycle..everything gets blown out of proportion. Then what was the argument about? That's no longer the issue.. It is so easy for that to happen and it is so common. I'm just glad I know this and having known this I think it does make a big difference. Though in general I don't think I'm a very defensive person. If someone doesn't like me well then it's not my problem..I'm not gona try and make someone like me. You have to take me as I am. I guess I find this easy to say as I'm luckily in the position that I do have a lot of friends..and most of them understand me. I love my friends. They can rely on me and I can rely on them. There's a level of trust where it's only ever good intentions so guards can be let down. 
Be true to yourself..don't worry what ppl think..not if you're a genuine person.